Supporting Youth and Young Parents in their Economic Mobility Journeys

September 2023

Research demonstrates that youth—young parents in particular—experience poverty at a disproportionate rate and face severe consequences to not only their current and future well-being, but also for the overall health of the family unit.  

EMPath’s newest paper, “Supporting Youth and Young Parents in Their Economic Mobility Journeys,” provides an overview of the evidence surrounding the impacts of poverty on youth and young families, and the benefits of promoting family economic stability and mobility for these populations. It highlights the experiences and learnings from the cohort of youth-serving organizations to effectively engage and support their program participants with economic mobility coaching.

The research conducted for this paper was made possible by the generosity of the Annie E. Casey Foundation. The cohort of youth-serving organizations that contributed to the paper are all members of EMPath’s Economic Mobility Exchange™ – a global shared learning network of human services organizations.