Advocacy is critical to fostering economic mobility and eliminating our country’s enormous racial wealth gap. Informed by feedback from our program participants and staff, EMPath advocates for policies that help families of color, immigrants, and all people meet their basic needs, increase their incomes, and achieve long-term financial stability. For all our federal priorities, EMPath follows the lead of national coalitions.


Cash Support via Tax Credits

Families with low incomes need simple, no-strings-attached cash support. Tax credits are a proven way of providing families with these additional resources: when the Child Tax Credit was temporarily expanded in 2021, child poverty was cut nearly in half.

OUR ASK: Greater investment in poverty alleviation tools like the Child Tax Credit

American Families Act*

Sponsors: Reps. DeLauro, DelBene, and Torres
Coalition: ABC Coalition

  • Creates a permanent expansion of the Child Tax Credit (CTC)
  • EMPath also supports reinstating CTC eligibility for the 1 million immigrant children with Individual Tax Identification Numbers (ITINs)
* Indicates bill was filed last session and is expected to be re-filed this session

High-Quality, Accessible Child Care

High-quality child care is critical to children’s development, parents’ ability to work, and the economy as a whole. Yet access to child care continues to be a major barrier to families’ financial stability, impacting their ability to build a better life for their children.

OUR ASK: Comprehensive solutions that improve the cost and quality of child care; higher pay and other investments for providers and early educators, nearly half of whom are people of color

Child Care for Every Community Act (S388 / HR953)

Sponsors: Sen. Warren, Rep. Sherrill

Child Care for Working Families Act (S1354 / HR2976)

Sponsors: Sen. Murray, Rep. Scott

Child Care is Infrastructure Act*

Sponsor: Rep. Clark

Coalition: National Women's Law Center

  • Allow families making less than 75% of their state median income to access child care at no cost
  • Families above that threshold would pay no more than 7% of their incomes
  • Increase the critical Child Care and Development Block Grant, which allows states to improve affordability, bolster support for providers, and increase pay for teachers
* Indicates bill was filed last session and is expected to be re-filed this session

Housing Support

Stable housing is critical to moving out of poverty. Yet the U.S. is facing a housing crisis, with rents soaring far above what many can afford and only 36 homes available for every 100 extremely low-income renter households. EMPath urges increased affordable housing and  homelessness resources as well as racially equitable policies

Housing Vouchers and Mentoring

OUR ASK: Creation of new housing vouchers, paired with holistic mentoring services

Family Stability and Opportunity Vouchers Act (S1257 / HR3776)

Sponsors: Sens. Van Hollen and Young
Coalition: National Low Income Housing Coalition

  • Creates 250,000 new housing vouchers targeted to low-income families with young children
  • These vouchers would be paired with holistic, participant-centered mentoring services – like those that EMPath provides – so that families have support not only to access housing, but to achieve goals across all areas of their life
  • At EMPath, we know from years of providing coaching services that families often desire support in leveraging resources and working toward long-term goals

Rental Assistance

OUR ASK: Creation of a permanent federal fund for emergency rental assistance

Eviction Crisis Act*

Sponsors: Sens. Bennet and Portman
Coalition: National Low Income Housing Coalition

  • Rental assistance is a critical tool for bridging the housing gap. Yet nationally, only one in four households eligible for rental assistance actually receives it.
  • This bill establishes a national housing stabilization fund to help families remain stably housed
  • EMPath also supports strong renter protections
* Indicates bill was filed last session and is expected to be re-filed this session