Ayesha Teague
Intensive in Home Training Specialist
Children's Wisconsin

Ayesha Teague began her career at Children’s Wisconsin in 2014 as a Family Support Specialist, working to support families whose children were placed in out of home care, succeeding a healthy career as an educator of over 12 years. While working to support those families’ needs, she also assisted with supervised visitations and family reunification. Because of her dedication, commitment, and passion to family support and care, Ayesha was promoted to Intensive In-Home Support Specialist, in 2018, where she currently works with families whose children remain in-home. Her endeavors to support families in maintaining a safe environment that enables the child(ren) to remain in their placement is coupled with teaching clients to model behavioral changes and increase their protective capacities. In 2021 Children’s Wisconsin piloted the Early Intervention Services (EIS) program through DMCPS which has allowed her to intervene with families sooner, while DMCPS conducts their assessments. This early intervention allows Ayesha to provide supportive services and provide resources that prevent further Child Welfare involvement. Because of her involvement in the piloting phase, leadership saw fit for this talented advocate to be promoted to In-Home Training Specialist for the Family Support Program, where she diligently and enthusiastically trains new hires, while leading and supporting a team of specialist, to model appropriate conduct, behavior, and skills to support program participants while controlling safety in the homes.