Ryan Quinn
CSBG Data Steward
The Opportunity Alliance

Ryan Quinn is the CSBG Data Steward for The Opportunity Alliance. Previously, he served as Assistant Director for the Emergency Rental Assistance Program that helped serve over 20,000 Mainers through the COVID pandemic. He moved to his role as CSBG Data Steward in May 2023 utilizing skills to support programs with effective communication across data, reporting, and systems. With this he has rebuilt the client record systems for the Programs under TOA's Whole Family umbrella of 2Generational focused programs. This includesProject Win, and additionally provides supervisory oversight to the Together We Work program. Ryan's education and degree is focused in Criminology and Accounting, and he has worked in social services for over 20 years. This includes Crisis Work, Child Protective Work, and owning and operating his own state licensed childcare center.